2015年8月10日 星期一

Brown Cafe MySQL

select * from base_machine where name like '%宜蘭大學%'
select  * from ord_order_info
where machine_id=74 and accountDate='2015-07-31' and no >='1507310740311' order by no


select * from ord_invoice where header_id in(
select  id from ord_order_info where machine_id=74 and accountDate='2015-07-31' and no >='1507310740311' order by no)


select o.no,i.number,i.* from ord_order_info o,ord_invoice i where o.id=i.header_id AND
o.machine_id=74 and o.accountDate='2015-07-31' and o.no >='1507310740311'
order by o.no

select o.no,o.total,i.number,i.money,i.* from ord_order_info o,ord_invoice i where o.id=i.header_id AND
o.machine_id=56 and o.accountDate='2015-07-31'
order by o.no


select * from ord_order_info where no>='1507310340318' and no <='1507310340321'
select * from ord_invoice where number>='RH51031662' and number<='RH51031669'

update ord_invoice set money=324 where number='RH51474622'

update ord_invoice set number='RH51474635' where number='RH51474638' and money=108

delete from ord_invoice where number='RH51477609' and money=460
///select delete_order_by_id(67215);

#update ord_invoice set coupled=2,drawer=100500,establish=1,money=0,number='RH51142432',printedNumber='家福桂林店A機'
#,state=1,header_id=100671 where id=111955

1 則留言:

  1. Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa, Atlantic City - MapyRO
    Address: 1 Borgata 양산 출장샵 Way, Atlantic City, 순천 출장안마 NJ 08401. Phone: (609) 317-5000. Hours, Mon: 안산 출장마사지 10am - 3pm. Website, 전주 출장샵 http://www.borgata.com/hotel/. Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa  Rating: 4.2 창원 출장샵 · ‎3,610 reviews
